I have been awarded two precious blog awards from two VERY precious people and it is time for me to thank them and pass this gift along. This past year (and a half) has been the toughest of my life. We are nearing the end of December and I see light and I feel such thankfulness for having experienced what I have experienced and so abundantly grateful for
bloggers I have come into contact with that the following 2 awards are easy to pass on...
My first blog award ever was rewarded to me by Tracy of
Sugar Crafter and I was so touched because Tracy is such a creative and genuine person. We have become "blogging pen pals" and send one another little baking goodies and recipes each month. Thank you Tracy for your lovely blog, for awarding me this honor and for our new friendship.
The idea behind this award is to "spread the love" so I am thrilled to award some of my favorite
bloggers with the "One Lovely Blog Award" and the rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person who awarded you
2. Award some of your favorite
bloggers3. Comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been awarded and...
4. Spread some joy!

In no particular order, I'd like to award:
Becky of
Vintage Mixer for having a truly lovely blog. She is also a truly lovely person. She not only cooks and posts excellent recipes, she dines and enjoys good food and good company which I so appreciate and admire. She loves and supports her talented husband and has become a friend of mine quickly. We live in the same city and have the opportunity of getting to know each other in person. She and I have what we call "a special connection".
Maria of
Two Peas and Their Pod for having a very impressive blog. She really takes this seriously and is committed to her blog. It is an excellent resource and you can always count on a wonderfully delicious dish (or Maria's specialty... cookies!!!). Maria and I also live in the same city and have the opportunity to spend time together and become friends. How lucky am I? We have spent some good times together and I am so thankful for her.
Heather of
Bebe and Alice for her generous spirit and incredibly beautiful blog. She does not cook... this is an
eco-friendly-reduce/reuse/recycle-insanely talented blog! She is a brilliant seamstress/designer and I am floored by the things she posts. She is also one of the most precious people I have come to know through this whole Twitter/Blog world. Plus she likes
Charlie and Lola so... we were a hit from the get go!
Barbara from
Barbara Bakes for her genuinely scrumptious blog! Barbara is a computer
smartie and assists me with my pathetic lack of computer skills, she is a cook among cooks and posts amazing dishes as well as baked goods. Yes, yes... we live in the same city :) Again, I have come to know Barbara and am a better person because of it. She is so great to be around! How is it that
SLC got so many incredible foodies? I do not know but I am blessed because of it.
Ladies, thank you for making a difference in my life and for your friendship. You all have such wonderful blogs and personalities! I am thankful for each of you.
My second award was given to me from Barbara (Barbara Bakes) and is the Lemonade Stand Gratitude Award. Thank you Barbara! I told you I was a better person for having known her! The rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Nominate 10 nominees and link to them
3. Comment on their blog to let them know they have won
4. Link back to the person who awarded you and...
5. Share how you have come to have an attitude of gratitude

In no particular order:
1. Cristie from
The Table Runner2. Holly from
PheMomenon3. Susan from She's Becoming
Doughmesstic4. Becky from
Vintage Mixer5. Maria from
Two Peas and Their Pod6. Heather from
Bebe and Alice7. Jamie from
Life's A Feast8. Tracy from
Sugar Crafter9. Krista from
The Double Dipped Life10. Monica from
Life to the Fullest!How I have come to have an attitude of gratitude would fill this entire post. I
am grateful. I am grateful to be my husbands wife, my daughter's mommies, my parents daughter, my sister's sister, a woman, a friend, free and most of all grateful to be loved and to love because He first loved me.